Monday, December 28, 2009

you've gotta' love it

William Shatner
like poetry

Monday, December 21, 2009

I wanted to disorient myself,
without drugs, without alcohol
I wanted to wake up with no idea where I was,
I wanted that feeling
of being somewhere you aren't supposed to be,
somewhere, outside your comfort zone
a sudden shock to remind me I'm still breathing
a state of panic to give me something to fix
something to worry about,
get my hands all nice and dirty
and to forget that there is nothing

but still, I wanted to be comfortable,
still, I wanted to be safe

I wanted to cheat and lie about it

so I quit sleeping,
awake at all costs
and one night, I see him
so I know it's time,
because I see him

I walk downstairs
and sit in the shower
Here, I fall asleep
to wake up in the morning
and wonder where I am

autumn passes, and still, you're too afraid to jump
or fall, depending on how you see it

right now, I'm only waiting for the frost

To pass the time,
I make up a story, in my head
I make it up because I want the feeling
of following a sign
Because I want the feeling
of being taken,
being lead somewhere important,
to discover something important

and be a part of anything

so I quit breathing
until my eyes get heavy
more so with thought than with fatigue
and I wonder...

[I don't know it,
but my head is bruised
against the floor]

finally, I start to wander
to find myself a rabbit,
or a hare, if I can't find one
I can't be too picky

when I find him, I run
in his direction
until he runs from me, afraid
where he runs, this is where I go
to be lead somewhere important
to discover something important

so long as I believe my story

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Run your tongue in circles, to the ground and at the skies, for in the nonsense we reveal the most notorious of lies.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Alone, the monster sings for whoever wants to listen

Never hesitant to step on the spider, never thought once to ask for its name