we'll meet under the mattress, you and i, not in love
you'll tell me that you need me, that i'm not supposed to be here
and i'll believe you, but only if you take me with you
we'll meet under the mattress, you and i
to draw plans of revolution, for another planet
not that here is lost, not a cause
just a place i'm not supposed to be
what i feel is like a butterfly in someone else's stomach like i've waited a whole lifetime, only longer, maybe two
and the worst part is, i don't know for what
i could see the way you look at me, in my head
like the way i'd look at you, if i'd ever seen your face
but it's nothing like love, the way i need you
you are nothing, not a man
though, perhaps you were, once
i could paint a picture, if i'd ever seen your face
we met once, not in person, in a dream i think
i was laying down, at least
i remember, you came in on a breath,
and right then, i could have lived forever
but you wouldn't let me say your name